JellyPoolBear Real Crazy 155+
The Austrian Post immortalized the one millionth Crypto stamp as a sculpture, the JellyPoolBear RC 155+ by Manuel W. Stepan
With one million crypto stamps issued, the Austrian Post project is one of the most stable and long-lasting in the otherwise volatile crypto world.
To properly celebrate this milestone, the post office has now created a monument to the original Crypto stamp: The Viennese artist MANUEL W STEPAN created his own sculpture for this occasion, which was recently unveiled in the theartworkersroom*. The sculpture is the JellyPoolBear Real Crazy 155+ “one five five plus” in magical colors, a homage to the NFT representations of the current Crypto stamp 5.0.
The highlight: In combination with a stamp, the sculpture has its own NFT and, as Phygital, takes the place of the one millionth crypto stamp on the blockchain.
The JellyPoolBear, which weighs almost 30 kilograms, has a height of over two meters and a diameter of 80 centimeters when standing on its pedestal.
The sculpture was created by hand over weeks, during which acrylic resin was modeled and laminated to achieve the shape and smooth surface. Only on this basis could the final design be applied by hand. In order to achieve the highest possible quality look, the sculpture was finished with a high-gloss finish.
The One Million Moment Event

Manuel W Stepan